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Wisdom Teeth

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth, are the last set of teeth to develop in your mouth. They are otherwise known as third molars. Often times, wisdom teeth can become impacted or partially erupted through the gums in a misalignment, which can adversely affect the teeth surrounding them. This results in severe oral pain or can cause infections.Dental X-Ray panoramic

How do Impacted or Misaligned Wisdom Teeth Affect You?

Misaligned or impacted wisdom teeth can put pressure on the adjacent teeth that may result in permanent damage to healthy teeth and the surrounding bone. Occasionally, it can also lead to the formation of cysts, and even tumors.

How Do You Get Diagnosed?

A special X-ray of your mouth and jaw will be taken to determine if your wisdom teeth are impacted, if there is room for them to erupt and the difficulty to have them removed.

How Do You Treat Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Treatment can range from surgically removing the wisdom teeth to thoroughly monitoring their progress.   If your wisdom teeth do in fact need to be removed, the oral surgeon will remove them under local anesthesia, laughing gas also known as nitrous oxide, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia. Dr. Ruben Cohen DDS will discuss your options with you prior to your procedure.

What are the Different Types of Impactions?

There are 3 different types of impactions. They are:

  • Soft Tissue Impaction: There is not enough room to allow the gum tissue to retract for adequate cleaning of the tooth.
  • Partial Bony Impaction: There is enough space to allow the wisdom tooth to partially erupt. Though, the tooth can’t function properly in the chewing process, creating problems.
  • Complete Bony Impaction: There is NO room for the tooth to erupt. The tooth remains embedded in the jawbone. The impacted wisdom tooth may also be in an unusual position, making it difficult to remove.

What Problems Can Arise If I Don’t Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Some of the possible problem related to nor removing your wisdom teeth include:

  • Infections: The most frequent clinical problem seen is a pericoronitis which is a localized gum infection.
  • Cyst Formation: Cysts are fluid-filled balloons inside the jawbone that form as a result of impacted teeth and slowly expand destroying adjacent jawbone and occasionally teeth.
  • Possible Crowding: Impacted wisdom teeth can contribute to crowding of your teeth, most noticeable with the front teeth.

Why Is It Recommended To Remove My Wisdom Teeth As A Teen or Young Adult? 

As wisdom teeth develop, the roots become longer and the jawbone becomes more dense. In addition, as you age, the post-operative care can be prolonged and the complication rates are higher. Moreover, healing is slower and chances of infections are increased.

FEMME - DOULEUR AUX DENTSWhat Happens On The Day of My Wisdom Teeth Removal?

If you choose to go under sedation, you will be provided with anesthesia options at your consultation. All outpatient services are recommended to be performed under anesthesia to maximize your comfort level.

For pain management, we recommend Exparel, a long-lasting non-narcotic medication that is administered via injection during the procedure. With Exparel, you can be pain-free for up to three days after surgery without the need for strong narcotic drugs that could lead to dependency or addiction. This long-acting local anesthetic has been used for a long time by orthopedic surgeons to control post-operative pain in patients who undergo total knee replacements, and recently became approved for use to control post-operative pain after wisdom teeth extractions. For more information, feel free to visit the website www.Exparel.com

On the morning of your surgery, it is essential that you have NOTHING to eat or drink for at least 6 hours, preferably longer.

On the day of your procedure, you will be given medication to help minimize post-operative swelling and pain. We recommend that a responsible adult accompany you to the office and plan to stay with you for the remainder of the day. Allow adequate time to travel home and rest after the procedure as you will be sleepy for a considerable amount of the day.

How Long Does The Procedure Take?

The procedure itself takes approximately 30-60 minutes, however plan to be at the office for about 90 minutes.

What Can I Eat After The Procedure?

We recommend starting your post-operative diet with clear liquids such as broths and jello, and gradually increasing to substance as your body permits.

We do NOT recommend dairy products as nausea and vomiting may occur in conjunction with the anesthetic and pain medications.

How Will I Feel After The Procedure?

On the day of surgery, you may experience some minor pain and bleeding. Everyone’s reaction to surgery varies, and the pain can range from mild discomfort to extremely painful. Swelling can be expected following the surgery and usually peaks during the second day. You can decrease the amount of swelling by using ice on the first day.

We ask that you follow your post-operative instructions closely. Doing so will make you as comfortable as possible.

Are There Any Complications After Wisdom Tooth Removal?

As with any medical procedure, complications can arise. Some complications that patients may experience are:

  • Damage to sensory nerve
  • Sinus issues
  • Infections
  • Dry Sockets

How Much Is The Cost Of Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

The fee is determined by a number of factors. These include the difficulty in removing the teeth, and which type of anesthesia is best for you.

Is The Procedure Covered By Insurance?

Every insurance company has a different policy regarding coverage, however Dr. Cohen’s staff will assure you obtain maximum coverage for your treatment.

For More Information About Wisdom Teeth, Please Check Out Dr. Cohen’s Book

The Wisdom of Wisdom Teeth Removal

Please Check Out Dr. Cohen’s Article in the Huffington Post

How To Know If Wisdom Teeth Really Need To Be Removed