• NYC UES Office
  • 970 Park Avenue, Suite GFN,
    New York, NY 10028
  • Carnegie hill Office
  • 1175 park avenue,
    new york, ny 10128

Knock-Out Dental Anxiety For Good

Dental visits can be one of the most anxiety causing events in a person’s life. Maybe it’s because of a traumatic visit while you were a child, or because you have particularly sensitive teeth. Regardless, maintaining a healthy smile is important to your overall health. That’s just one reason why we are pleased to offer sedation dentistry at all of our locations.

Sleep Through It All

Sleeping through your dental appointment sounds like a dream, right?  But it’s not only  possible, it’s also desirable if you have a long involved treatment coming up. There are three levels, each with their own benefits:

Nitrous Oxide: A mild level of relaxation, perfect for a cleaning or minor filling. Too much nitrous can have the opposite effect of relaxation, and put you on edge. A low level is just right.

IV Sedation: Also called “twilight sleep”, this is when patients are sedated, but they can still respond to the dentist but not actually remember the procedure.  Patients are monitored at all times to ensure safety.  You may still be compliant with commands, but will probably fall asleep. You may still be aware of pressure.

General Anesthesia: Medication are administered through an IV line although inhaled anesthetics may also be used.  The main difference between IV sedation and general anesthesia is the level of sedation. General anesthesia is usually used for patients requiring a deeper level of sedation.  It is most helpful for infants, patients who require major treatment or who are extremely anxious, or for patients who are medically compromised of have special needs.

At Park Avenue Oral & Facial Surgery, we are committed to a comfortable, worry free dental or oral surgery visit. Schedule your appointment with Dr. Cohen today.