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Tag: dental fear

As 2014 comes to a close and many of our patients are thinking about New Year’s resolutions, Dr. Cohen and the staff at Park Avenue Oral & Facial Surgery want to remind you to make oral health a priority in 2015. The health of your mouth mirrors the condition of your body as a whole – when your mouth is healthy, chances are your overall health is good too. In fact, good oral health may actually 2015 New Year Imageprevent certain diseases from occurring.

If the thought of undergoing a dental procedure provokes feelings of fear or anxiety, you’re not alone. In fact, up to 75% of adults in the U.S. report having at least some anxiety about visiting the dentist, according to a report by WBUR, an NPR affiliate station.

Each patient may have a different concern or reason for putting off a dental procedure. At Park Avenue Oral & Facial Surgery, we want to help our patients conquer these obstacles.

Here are 5 pointers to help you overcome your dental anxiety and schedule that long overdue appointment in 2015:

  • Preventative care will keep your teeth and gums healthier. While the fear of pain is what keeps some patients from scheduling an appointment, you are less likely to develop painful problems down the line, such as gum infections and jaw pain, if you visit an oral surgeon when you first recognize that a problem is occurring.
  • Sedation dentistry allows you to undergo dental procedures without experiencing any of the negative feelings, sounds or sensations associated with your visit. Cohen is a leader in sedation dentistry and has advanced training in IV sedation and general anesthesia. Our practice also offers nitrous oxide and oral medications to help patients relax for all types of dental procedures. We are committed to ensuring the comfort and well being of patients and we strive to make every trip to our Upper East Side office a pleasant experience.
  • Communicate with our staff – it’s ok to be nervous or ask for a break during your visit. Communicating your concerns can help normalize your nervousness, and it will also help us to tailor your visit to ensure the maximum level of comfort. If you feel uncomfortable and want to take a break, just let us know. We always want our patients to feel in control.
  • Make yourself at home in our office. Our state-of-the-art exam rooms and operating rooms are designed to make you feel at ease. If music helps you to relax, we invite you to bring your own music device to listen while you receive treatment. We can also adjust the music volume in our exam rooms, depending on each patient’s preferences.
  • Bring a loved one to your visit. The presence of a loved one can make you feel more relaxed in an environment where you are nervous. If you’re feeling anxious about your visit, make sure you schedule it on a day that a friend or family member can accompany you.

Remember that dental anxiety is nothing to be embarrassed about. Many patients face the same fears. Your comfort is a top priority at Park Avenue Oral & Facial Surgery and we have extensive experience in treating patients who have dental fears. If you would like to get more information about sedation dentistry options, please contact our office.

We wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season and look forward to seeing you in 2015!

If you’re ready to schedule an appointment, visit our scheduler page.

Almost everyone has some feelings of nervousness when thinking about visiting the dentist. We hear it all the time from our patients. But don’t worry (I know, easier said than done). It is totally normal to have a bit of anxiety (or even a lot of anxiety) before you come to our office.sedatedIn our office, we have many years of experience in dealing with nervous patients. So to help you out, we’ve compiled this quick yet effective set of tips for dealing with those inevitable nerves before your dental procedure.

  1. Let us know! – Sometimes just saying the words, “I’m a little bit nervous” can help by normalizing the nervousness itself a little bit, which instantly releases some of that stress that has the tendency to build up in your system. It also alerts us, which is great! In fact, we might just be able to help by doing procedures a little bit differently than we normally would or even just by offering some words of encouragement and reassurance.
  2. Music – Ask us to turn up (or down) the music in your exam room if that helps. Or, depending on the procedure, you may even be able to listen to your own MP3 player while we work away. Ask us ahead of time to be sure the procedure will allow for this.
  3. Breathe – Did you know that consciously taking a breath instantly calls to action your parasympathetic nervous system which is the part of the brain responsible for calming you down? The good news is that you always have your breath with you, so don’t forget to use it! Just by paying attention to your breath, for example, how it feels coming in and going out and the other sensations it creates, you can access the calming center of your brain. An easy breathing exercise that can be used anytime, anywhere, including in the dental chair is to breathe in for 4 counts, then out for 4 counts. You will instantly feel better.

We hope you find these tips helpful in dealing with your dental fears. Just remember, you are not alone.