If you are dealing with tooth fractures, enamel infraction, or dental subluxation, look up oral care midtown Manhattan to get information on dental trauma surgery near Park Avenue. Oral and maxillofacial surgery is the specialization of surgery that treats diseases and injuries in the head, neck, jaws, face and the soft/hard tissue of the mouth and jaws area. Depending on their specific specialty, maxillofacial surgeons need training in dentistry, surgery, and general medicine.
The surgeries most commonly performed by maxillofacial surgeons are dentoalveolar surgery, insertion of osseointegrated dental implant surgery, cosmetic surgery, and corrective jaw surgery. Dentoalveolar surgery is done to remove teeth and do difficult tooth extractions. Dentoalveolar surgery also includes bone grafting the teeth, in order to make a better place for implants, dentures, and other dental prostheses. Cosmetic surgery includes otoplasty, rhinoplasty, septoplasty, cheek augmentation, and other elective procedures. For any further information on maxillofacial surgery, look up Dental trauma surgery near Park Avenue.
Tooth fractures can result from dental trauma, so it is good to know about dental trauma prevention. Dental trauma is trauma to the teeth, gums, periodontal ligament, alveor bone, and soft tissue, such as the lips. The study of dental trauma is referred to as dental traumatology. In children ages 0 to 6, 17% of injuries that occur are related to dental trauma. Dental trauma can come in four different types:, tooth fractures, periodontal apparatus injuries, supporting bone tissue injuries, and soft tissue lacerations.
Enamel infractions are a microscopic crack seen within the enamel of the tooth. Enamel infraction can result often from dental trauma to brittle enamel. Transillumination is a technique used in a variety of methods of imaging, and is applied in order to more clearly see the micro cracks in the enamel. More commonly found in older teeth due to accumulated trauma, enamel infraction should be treated immediately. Smoothing, fluoride treatment, and crown restoration can help in treatment and in dental trauma prevention.
Dental subluxation is a traumatic injury in which the tooth has weakened in its foundation, and is loosened by impact or trauma. Dental subluxation is one of the most common dental trauma disorders, and can sometimes be asymptomatic. If left unnoticed for 24 hours, good dental hygiene, mouthwash, a soft and cold diet, and the avoidance of smoking for a few days, will all help treat it. Lateral luxation is the displacement of the tooth and comes along with a fracture. To avoid developing any symptoms mentioned above, look up oral care midtown Manhattan, to find information and an experienced dentist.