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Do you need orthognathic surgery?

There are many reasons a patient may require orthognathic surgery or, as it’s more commonly known as, corrective jaw surgery. Jaw discrepancies and facial skeletal discrepancies associated with a variety of different conditions can all be cause for corrective jaw surgery. Some of these conditions include: sleep apnea, airway defects, TMJ, and soft tissue problems. Each condition needs to be carefully diagnosed, because the procedure will differ depending on the condition.

Park Avenue oral surgeons who are trained and licensed in the area will perform orthognathic surgery. An orthodontist will usually work on the patient as well because there are concerns about maintaining teeth positioning and structure throughout the procedure. A speech and language pathologist may also be involved in the surgery to help develop a post-operative plan for speech therapy. Corrective jaw surgery is truly an interdisciplinary area, based on the number of considerations taken into account.

There are certain signs to be aware of if you think you may need oral repair surgery of any kind. If you have difficulty chewing, swallowing, breathing, speaking, or experience chronic jaw pain, it’s important that you make an appointment with Park Avenue oral surgeons. These experts will be able to diagnose you quickly and accurately.

Treating jaw problems doesn’t always end after oral repair surgery. In some cases, orthodontics and follow up appointments or procedures will be necessary in order to achieve the intended goal. Over time, you’ll have to go back to the surgeon less and less. However, if the bone is mending incorrectly and has shifted, there may be additional orthognathic surgery required. The recovery time associated with oral repair surgery depends on the complexity of the procedure.

Park Avenue oral surgeons make cuts in the bones of the mandible or maxilla and reposition the pieces during corrective jaw surgery.  The cutting of the bone is called osteotomy. If the jaw surgery is done on two jaws in one procedure, it’s known as a bi-maxillary osteotomy.

Undergoing corrective jaw surgery will, ideally, give you back full functionality of your mouth. It will make eating, speaking, sleeping, and breathing much easier, allowing you to live a happier, fuller life. Consult with Park Avenue oral surgeons to determine what type of oral repair surgery is applicable for your condition. It’s important to go through each step of the procedure with the surgeon to make sure you are prepared for what’s expected of you pre-and-post surgery. Schedule a consultation to find out if you are a candidate for orthognathic surgery.